A quick test of LaTeX support
Please ignore this page - I use it as a scratchpad for various LaTeX tests. It might seem a bit unpleasant to have this as part of the live documentation, but that absolutely guarantees that it works everywhere!
LaTeX in these documents is handled with the pymdownx.arithmatex plugin, which really just hands processing off to MathJax. MathJax then renders the LaTeX using JavaScript. Lots and lots of very clever JavaScript.
Here are some tests:
Inline equation: y = \sigma\left(b+\sum_i w_i x_i (1+h) s_i\right) should work.
Inline equation: $y = \sigma\left(b+\sum_i w_i x_i (1+h) s_i\right)$ should work.
Block equations. This has to use double-backslash: \[ y = \sigma\left(b+\sum_i w_i x_i (1+h) s_i\right) \]
y = \sigma\left(b+\sum_i w_i x_i (1+h) s_i\right)
but this one doesn't:
f(1,0)=1 \iff w_1 \ge -b \label{eq:f101}
Align. Note that the reference doesn't work!
f(x,y) &= H (b+w_1 x + w_2 y)&\text{(Eq.~\ref{eq:f101})}\\
0 &= H(b+w_1+w_2)&\text{(subst.)}\\
H(b+w_1+w_2) &= 0\label{eq:f110in}\\
b+w_1+w_2 & < 0 & \text{(Heaviside step)}\\
w_1+w_2 & < -b.
Matrix. Note I've had to wrap in an equation.
1 & 2 & 1\\
2 & 4 & 2\\
1 & 2 & 1