A first tutorial

This page is a gentle introduction to PCOT's user interface elements, and will walk you through loading image data and performing some simple manipulations.

There is also a video guide - it may be a little out of date, because development is progressing quickly but the basics will be the same.

In this document, text written with a highlight like this is an instruction to follow.


PCOT is primarily designed to work with multispectral images. For this tutorial we have prepared an image and packaged it with the rest of the system, but you will need to uncompress it: it's an ENVI image and these can be rather large. It can be found in the exampleData directory as obj4-sand-subset.zip.

Uncompress this image somewhere (perhaps into the same directory) producing two files: 1.hdr (the header file) and 1.dat (the data itself).

This is a 256x256 image with taken using AUPE (Aberystwyth University Pancam Emulator), with 11 bands of data. It is a subset of a larger image used in testing, and is shown below as an RGB image:

The example image (640nm, 550nm and 440nm bands)
Figure: The example image (640nm, 550nm and 440nm bands). Click on image to expand.

Now you have this image you can start PCOT.

Introduction to the user interface

The image below shows the PCOT interface when the program has just been started, with text in red describing each part.

The PCOT user interface
Figure: The PCOT user interface. Click on image to expand.

The window is divided into several areas:

  • At the top, the input buttons each open one of PCOT's input windows. These describe how information is read into PCOT.
  • Below this and to the left is the node area, which will be empty on startup. Double-clicking on a node in the graph (see below) will open a detailed view for that node. You can have several views open in this area looking at different nodes, and you can undock by double-clicking on the tab at the top of the view.
  • To the right of the node area is the graph. This shows the nodes in the document and their connections. A new document always has an input 0 node, which brings input 0 into the graph.
  • To the right of the graph is the palette, which consists of a number of sections which can be expanded or hidden. Each section a set of buttons, one for each node type. Drag a button onto the graph to create a new node of that type.
  • At the bottom is the log area, the status bar, and a set of global controls.

Working with graph nodes

Each node is shown as a box with input connections on the top and output connections on the bottom. To illustrate this, consider the following graph you've seen before:

R671_438 inset into source image RGB representation
Figure: R671_438 inset into source image RGB representation. Click on image to expand.

Node boxes

Looking at a pair of nodes in the graph:

A pair of nodes
Figure: A pair of nodes. Click on image to expand.

  • The inputs and outputs are coloured by type: blue is perhaps the most common and indicates an image. Red means any kind of data can be connected here, and generally only appears on inputs.
  • Inputs and outputs can also have names (but don't always).
  • Each node has a help box - double-clicking on this pops up help for the node.
  • Each node has a name - usually this is the node's type, but in the case of the expr node it is the expression being calculated (see below).
  • Nodes can have a "display text" in blue. These show extra data, such as the output of a calculation in an expr node or the annotation given to a region of interest.
  • Currently nodes without a display text also show the number of times they have been calculated as a debugging aid.

Creating new nodes

This is done by clicking a node type button in the palette and dragging the button onto the graph.

Selecting and opening graph nodes

  • You can select a node in the graph by clicking on it, or by dragging a box which intersects the node. A selected node will be tinted blue.
  • You can open a node for viewing or editing in the node area by double-clicking. If you double-click on the input 0 node, it will turn a dark cyan colour and a view of the node will appear on the left, along with a tab to select that view when multiple node views are open.
  • You can close an open node by clicking on the cross in the node's tab.

If you open the input 0 node in a new document you will see this:

PCOT with an open but unused input node
Figure: PCOT with an open but unused input node. Click on image to expand.

The node is cyan because the current view's node is tinted green, and the node is already tinted blue because it is selected in the graph. There are two selection models:

  • Multiple nodes can be selected in the graph; these are tinted blue.
  • A single node's view can be open and currently being edited, this node is tinted green in the graph.
  • Nodes which are both being edited and are selected are tinted cyan.

The view for this particular node - input 0 - shows what external input is currently being read into PCOT on the input numbered 0. In this case it shows "None" because there is currently no input.

"Undocking" a node's view

Sometimes it is useful to see several node views at the same time. Double-clicking on the tab, where the name of the node type appears, will make the view open in a separate window. This can be done for several views, and the windows can be rearranged as you wish. Closing the window will "redock" the view so it appears in the node area as before.

Constant and comment nodes

These two nodes are special - the boxes in the graph have text fields which can be edited.

  • For constant nodes, the value in the box will be the numeric output of the node. This node has no view, and double-clicking has no effect.
  • For comment nodes, the value in the box is a text comment that can help other users navigate the graph. Once edited, the box can be resized by clicking and dragging its bottom-right corner. The text will flow to fit the box. Double-clicking on a comment node opens a view which provides an alternative way of editing the text, as well as changing the font size and colours. It's also the only way of getting blank lines into the text, since hitting the "enter" key will stop editing when you are editing the node text directly in its box.

Comment and constant nodes
Figure: Comment and constant nodes. Click on image to expand.

Loading an image

The purpose of the input 0 node is to bring the an input into the graph for manipulation. As noted elsewhere, the graph is separate from the inputs. This makes it easier to run different graphs on the same inputs, or the same graph on different inputs. Clicking on the "Input 0" button at the top of the window will open a window to let us change the input, which looks like this:

An input window, with the null input selected
Figure: An input window, with the null input selected. Click on image to expand.

Each input supports a number of input methods, only one of which can be active at a time. By default, the method is null, meaning that no data is loaded into that input.

PCOT can support several types of multispectral data file: we will load a small ENVI image we uncompressed earlier. Click on ENVI, and the window will show that input's ENVI method settings and select the ENVI method as being active (see below).

In the ENVI input window,

  • Click on Select Directory to open a dialog
  • Choose the directory where you stored the 1.hdr and 1.dat files you extracted earlier
  • Double-click on the 1.hdr file

You should see something like this:

An open ENVI input
Figure: An open ENVI input. Click on image to expand.

The Canvas

The right-hand side is a common component in PCOT known as a canvas which will show the image selected. The canvas lets you modify how the RGB channels are mapped using the three combo boxes. Each box gives the band number, the input number and the wavelength. For example, the red channel is coming from band 2, which is from input 0, and has a wavelength of 640nm. If the RGB method is used to load an ordinary RGB image (e.g. from a PNG), the wavelength will not be shown.

At the bottom of the image itself are three source indicators: these show what bands within which inputs were used to generate the canvas image. They should show something like


indicating that the red, green and blue channels come from the 640nm, 540nm and 480nm bands in input 0's image. The source indicator may get quite complex - it shows all inputs that have had an effect on each channel of the image.

The canvas is quite complicated because it does a lot of things, such as displaying spectra for each pixel, normalisation settings, and displaying data quality bits. More information can be found here, but for now:

  • Click the spectrum button to open a spectrum view, and move the cursor over the image to show the spectrum at different pixels. You may need to resize the window, or drag the "double bar" which separates the image from the spectrum.

Manipulating an image: obtaining a spectral parameter map

Let's perform a simple manipulation on an image. Here we will generate a spectral parameter map from two of the image bands. This parameter is R671_438, the ratio between the 671nm and 438nm bands, which indicates the presence of ferric minerals1.

  • Start PCOT and load an image into input 0 as before, by clicking on the Input 0 button, selecting RGB and double-clicking on an image file.
  • Double-click on the input 0 node in the graph - instances of this node bring input 0 into the graph.
  • Open the maths section in the palette by clicking on it.
  • Drag expr in the maths section onto the graph to create an expression evaluation node.
  • Drag a connection from the output of input 0 to the a input of expr.
  • Double-click on the expr node to open its view for editing - this will show an empty output because our mathematical expression is empty.

We now have an input feeding into an expression evaluator, which we can edit. First, let's just see one band. Click in the expr view's expression box: this is the box which says "Enter expression here...".

Enter the string


This says "select the band with centre wavelength 671nm from input a".

Press "Run" in the node's view. You should now see a monochrome image in the node's canvas: the result of the calculation, containing only that single band.

Now change the expression to


and press "Run" to see the result, which should be this:

R671_438 parameter from an multispectral image
Figure: R671_438 parameter from an multispectral image. Click on image to expand.

Note that the source indicators in the bottom left of the image are now displaying

[0:438&0:671] [0:438&0:671] [0:438&0:671]

This indicates that all three RGB channels shown in the canvas are getting their data from the 438 and 671 bands of input 0.

Disconnecting nodes and node error states

Disconnect the input node by dragging the arrowhead from the a box and releasing it in empty space. This will cause an error:

A node in an error state
Figure: A node in an error state. Click on image to expand.

The EXPR is the kind of error - EXPR is an error in expression parsing/execution. More details can be seen in the log window, which in this case reads

Error in expression: variable's input is not connected

This is because there is no longer an image feeding into the expr node's input for variable a. Now reconnect the input node to the expr node to fix the error.

Adding a region of interest

It's a little hard to see what's going on, so we will add a region of interest. This will make the expr node treat the operation differently - only the area inside the rectangle will be norm(a$671/a$438). Everywhere else in the image, the output will come from the left-hand side of the expression (the 671nm channel). The rules for ROIs are explained more fully on this page.

Open the regions section of the palette and add a rect node between the input and expr nodes (the latter of which will be labelled with its expression). Nothing will change, because the rectangle has not been set. Edit the rect node and draw a rectangle by clicking and dragging on the canvas. Set the scale to 5 pixels and type "671_438" in the Annotation box, something like this:

R671_438 with a rectangle
Figure: R671_438 with a rectangle. Click on image to expand.

Now the expr node shows this - only the rectangle has the 671/438 parameter, while the rest of the image shows the 671nm band. To see this, click on the expr tab:

R671_438 with a rectangle
Figure: R671_438 with a rectangle. Click on image to expand.

The image is dark, because the values of the parameter shown in the rectangle are much greater than those of the 671nm band.

It can be hard to adjust the rectangle when you can't see what's happening in the final image - try undocking the rect node and dragging it to a different part of the screen by double-clicking on the tab, so you can edit the rectangle while the expr output is visible. Dock it again by closing the undocked window.

To make things more visible still, open the data section and add a gradient node after the expr node and view it, clicking making sure Show ROIs is enabled on its canvas (ROIs are typically retained on derived images):

R671_438 with a rectangle and gradient
Figure: R671_438 with a rectangle and gradient. Click on image to expand.

There's not much to see because of the nature of the image, unfortunately! Note that there is a "legend" at top left, and this can be edited and placed by clicking on the Legend button:

R671_438 with a better gradient legend
Figure: R671_438 with a better gradient legend. Click on image to expand.

The colour palette for the gradient, incidentally, is the "viridis" palette which is helpful for people with certain kinds of colour blindness2. Other presets are available by clicking on the Load Preset button, or you can edit the gradient by hand: double-click to add or remove a point, drag to move a point.

It is possible to "inset" the gradient into the RGB representation used in the input node by passing that to the insetinto input of the gradient:

R671_438 inset into source image RGB representation
Figure: R671_438 inset into source image RGB representation. Click on image to expand.

If you switch to the Legend part of the gradient node and select Left margin for the Legend item, when you export the image with the canvas' Export Image button the legend will be in the margin:

Exported R671_438 (svg)
Figure: Exported R671_438 (svg). Click on image to expand.

  1. Allender, E. J., C. R. Cousins, M. D. Gunn, and C. M. Caudill. "Multiscale and multispectral characterization of mineralogy with the ExoMars 2022 rover remote sensing payload." Earth and Space Science 7, no. 4 (2020): e2019EA000692. 

  2. Simon Garnier, Noam Ross, Robert Rudis, Antônio P. Camargo, Marco Sciaini, and Cédric Scherer (2021). viridis(Lite) - Colorblind-Friendly Color Maps for R. viridis package version 0.6.2.