The Multifile input method

The multifile input method allows multiple monochrome files of "standard" types like PNG and BMP to be imported as multispectral images. It can also read raw binary files.

Each file is flattened to greyscale in the process (if it is RGB) by finding the mean of the three channels for each pixel.

Filter CSV files

In order to analyse the images, PCOT needs to be able to find out which filter was used for each image. This is done by storing a set of filters in a CSV file and using parts of the image files' names to work out which filter is used.

Two files are available by default. These are PANCAM (for the actual ExoMars camera) and AUPE (Aberystwyth PANCAM Emulator). These can be found in the src/pcot/assets/ directory.

Here's an example of part of such a file:


In each line:

  • cwl is the centre wavelength
  • fwhm is the bandwidth as as full width at half maximum
  • transmission is how much energy the filter lets through at the CWL
  • position is the position of the filter in the filter wheel, typically as a camera letter (e.g. R or L) and an index number
  • name is the name of the filter.

If you need to add a new filter set, edit the .pcot.ini file in your home directory and a [filters] block if one does not exist. To this block, add a line like this:


For example


This new set, called JCFCAM, will be loaded when PCOT is started.

Setting a file pattern

PCOT needs to be able to work out which filter was used to capture an image. This is done by extracting the filter name or position from the filename using a regular expression (or regex). If you have some experience with regular expressions (or access to someone with this experience), it will help immensely.

Regular expressions describe patterns which texts might match. For example, the regex c[a-z]t will match any three-letter string starting with c and ending with t: it's c, followed by any character between a and z, followed by t.

The default pattern looks something like this:


This means:

  • .* matches any number of any character, so there could be anything at the start of the filename
  • L|R means "either L or R" - but we have specified a "named match" with brackets and the ?P<..> notation: (?P<lens>L|R). This means "either L or R and store the result under the name lens".
  • WAC means we must then have the sequence of letters WAC
  • (?P<n>[0-9][0-9]) means we must now match two digits ([0-9]) and store them as n
  • The final .* means that there can now be any number of any character again - so there could be anything at the end of the filename.

The idea is that a filename like /home/jim/files/DogBiscuitLWAC02Fish.jpg will be matched, and will result in L being stored as lens and 02 being stored as n.

Named matches and how they are used

Only one of the following should be true (e.g. you can't use name and n together):

  • lens and n: if these are found, they are joined together to form a filter position which is looked up in the filter set (by the position column). The idea is that lens indicates either the left or right camera and n identifies a filter. They're separate because many early files used names like LWAC02 or LWideAngle02, in which the two elements were separate.
  • name: if this is found, it is used to match a filter using the name column
  • cwl: if this is found, it is used to match a filter using the cwl (wavelength) column

If you need assistance, or this isn't flexible enough, contact us.

Reading raw binary files

Data is often provided "as is" from the camera, in a raw binary format. Reading these files requires a little more information in advance:

  • What the numeric format of the data is (e.g. 16-bit unsigned integer)
  • How big the image is in pixels
  • Whether there is a header at the start which should be skipped and how big it is (the "offset")
  • Whether the image needs to be rotated and/or flipped
  • Whether the data is "big-endian" or "little-endian."

These can be set by clicking the "raw loader settings" dialog.


You can save and load these values - and most other settings for multifile input, such as the pattern and filter - using the "Presets" button. Presets are currently stored in your home user directory in a file called MFPresets.json. Users can easily copy this file from other users.