Operating principles

PCOT nodes need to follow a set of rules to ensure that the information they process is handled consistently. This page describes these rules, most of which apply to image data.

Source handling rules

Each datum handled by PCOT has a "source set" describing where that datum ultimately comes from. Sources vary: in images, each band in an input image carries a source datum describing where it comes from. For a PDS4 source it could be a LIDVID, or it could simply be a filename (although ideally it should have some archive indexing data).

Because data can be combined in various ways, each datum could have multiple sources. Image data in PCOT have a separate source set for each band.

The rules for sources are simple:

  • Every datum has a source set.
  • This may be a null source if the datum is generated internally (consider the output from constant nodes).
  • In the case of an image, this source set is actually a separate source set for each band, but may still be considered as a single source set for some operations (since the union of the band sets is available).
  • If a datum, or band in a multi-band image, is constructed from data from more than once source set, the resulting datum or band consists of the union of the sets.

As an example, consider the rather contrived example below. Here,

  • each datum is marked as a black circle below which is a description of the the sources - there's more explanation of this below.
  • image inputs are in yellow
  • scalar inputs are in blue
  • nodes are white rectangles
  • expr nodes (which calculate mathematical expressions) are marked as such with the expression being the main text

An example graph.
Figure: An example graph.. Click on image to expand.

We have three inputs into the graph:

  • Input 0 has an image with three bands centered on 640nm, 540nm and 440nm.
  • Input 1 has a different image with four bands.
  • Input 2 has a numeric value of 0.2 (perhaps a housekeeping datum of some kind).

These data are then combined in various ways:

  • Input 1 is converted to a single greyscale band and multiplied by input 2 (the scalar 0.2)
  • The result of this operation is then added to the 540nm band of input 0.

What do the sources look like for each datum?

  • Datum A is an image, and as such it has one source set per band. Each source set consists of a single source, with details of input and filter wavelength. So here, the sources for A could be written as

    [ {0:640}, {0:540}, {0:440} ]

    That is, a list of three sets, each of which contains a single source which I've written in the form input:wavelength.

  • Datum B is the extracted 540nm band of input A, so its sources are:

    [ {0:540} ]
  • Datum C is another multiband image, this time from input 1:

    [ {1:780}, {1:640}, {1:540}, {1:440} ]
  • Datum D is the greyscale conversion of Datum C above. This creates a single-band image, but that band combines all the bands of datum C. This results in a single source set containing all the bands:

    [ {1:780, 1:640, 1:540, 1:440} ]
  • Datum E is the only non-image source. I will denote it here as just "2" indicating that it is input 2. It is worth noting here that sources may contain a lot of extra data describing exactly where they come from. For example, this input may come from PDS4, in which case at least the LIDVID will be included. But for now this is simply


    Note that this is not shown as a list because it is not a multiband source.

  • Datum F multiplies each band in datum D by the scalar E. This means that the source for E must be added to the source set for each band. There is only one band at this point because of the greyscale conversion:

    [ {1:780, 1:640, 1:540, 1:440, 2} ]
  • Finally, we add the single-band images B and F together, resulting in another single-band image. This addition is done bandwise. There is only one band, so the result is:

    [ {1:780, 1:640, 1:540, 1:440, 2, 0:540} ]

ROI rules

Images may contain regions of interest. If this is the case, then any operation should only be performed on the region of interest if possible. However, the rest of the image should be passed through unchanged to provide context - it is always possible to use a croproi node before the operation if cropping is required.

This rule has the following practical outcomes, in which images are denoted by capitals A, B, \dots and scalars are denoted by lowercase x, y. \dots


  • In binary operations on an image and a scalar such as x+A or A+x, the operation is only performed on the region covered by the union of all ROIs on A. Other parts of A are left unchanged in the output, which carries the same ROIs.

  • In binary operations on two images A+B etc., there should be only one set of ROIs in operation. This means that either only one image has an ROI, or the sets of ROIs for both images are identical.

Outside the ROI, the image pixels are taken from the left-hand side of the operator as shown in the figure below.

Two images A and B, B has an ROI. In the result, the area covered by the ROI is A+B, the rest of the image is passed through from A (which has no ROI)
Figure: Two images A and B, B has an ROI. In the result, the area covered by the ROI is A+B, the rest of the image is passed through from A (which has no ROI). Click on image to expand.

Quality data

All values in PCOT - scalar and image - can have an uncertainty value and data quality (DQ) bits. In imagecubes, this applies to every pixel of every band. The uncertainty values are expressed as standard deviations. Operations need to combine these data in a sensible way.

This is currently implemented using the Value class.

Consists of:

  • image uncertainty map (float per band)
  • image quality/info bits (uint16 per band)


Uncertainty values are propagated through calculations in the expr node and elsewhere according to these rules:

\begin{align} \sigma(a+b), \quad \sigma(a-b) &= \sqrt{\sigma^2 a + \sigma^2 b}\\ \sigma(ab) &= |ab| \sqrt{\left(\frac{\sigma a}{a}\right)^2+\left(\frac{\sigma b}{b}\right)^2} \\ &= \sqrt{a^2 \sigma^2 b + b^2 \sigma^2 a}\quad \text{when all values positive}\\ \sigma(a/b) &= \left|\frac{a}{b}\right| \sqrt{\left(\frac{\sigma a}{a}\right)^2+\left(\frac{\sigma b}{b}\right)^2} \\ &= \frac{\sqrt{a^2 \sigma^2 b + b^2 \sigma^2 a}}{b^2}\quad \text{when all values positive}\\ \sigma(a^b) &= \sqrt{ (a^{b-1} b \sigma a)^2 + (a^b \log a \sigma b)^2} \\ &= \sqrt{a^{2b-2} ((a \sigma b \log a)^2 + (b \sigma a)^2)}\\ \sigma (a \& b) &= \min (\sigma a, \sigma b)\\ \sigma (a | b) &= \max (\sigma a, \sigma b) \end{align}

Not all images contain uncertainty data - it may be that the input image doesn't have this data, or that a function has been performed on the image which does not permit uncertainty data to be carried through (consider a decorrelation stretch, for example). This can be viewed by selecting the nounc (no uncertainty) bit for viewing in the canvas.

DQ bits

Each scalar, or band value for each pixel, has an associated set of bits which indicate error states, etc.

Bits are currently:

Bit name Meaning Effect on calculations (see notes below)
NODATA There is no data here BAD
SAT Pixel is saturated high in this band BAD
DIVZERO The data is the result of a division by zero BAD
UNDEF The data is the result of an undefined operation BAD
COMPLEX The data is a complex number likely to be undefined (or just the real part) BAD
ERROR There is an unspecified error in this data BAD
NOUNCERTAINTY There is no uncertainty data

All bits are propagated into the data generated from the data they are attached to. BAD means that the data in these pixels should not be considered. While calculations will still be done on BAD data, the BAD bits will be propagated. In the case of nodes which generate a scalar from images, such as finding the mean or SD of a set of pixels (or similar operations in the spectrum node) the pixels marked BAD should be ignored.

  • It is possible to set bits based on per-pixel conditions with the dqmod node. For example, convert all uncertainties greater than a given value into errors.

  • It is possible to convert DQ bits into regions of interest using the roidq node, with the region being made up of pixels for which certain bits are absent or present. This can be done looking at all bands or just one.

  • In general, when multiple image bands are combined (either from the same image or from different images) these are OR-ed together. This typically happens in a band-wise fashion because images are combined band-wise. Thus, when two images a and b are added, and the bits for channel i of image a are B_i(a),

\[ B_i(a+b) = B_i(a) \vee B_i(b)\quad \text{for all channels } i \]

  • However, some operations have a more complex flow of information. For example, a decorrelation stretch results in information from all bands being used in each band. In cases like this, the resulting bands are all ORed toether: \[ B_i(\text{decorr}(a)) = \bigvee_i B_i(a) \]


  • Nodes which perform a convolution operation or similar should propagate the error pixel to all affected pixels, leading to a blob of pixels in the output. I realise This isn't ideal; another possibility could be to just zero the mask? But then we lose the error data. At the moment I don't believe we have any "non-local" behaviour where pixels affect regions of pixels in the output, so the point could be moot.

Filter aberration UNIMPLEMENTED

The filter wavelengths are only accurate for pixels in the centre of the image, due to the difference in the light path through the filter at different angles of incidence. Therefore:

  • There will be a system in place to calculate the actual filter wavelength for a given pixel and use this in spectral plots (using the centre of the ROI for the spectrum node)
  • A function should be available to generate the filter aberration value in expr - this would allow an "image" to be made of the aberration value which could be used in calculations
  • It should be possible to set the ERROR bit for excessive aberration values

Canvas information UNIMPLEMENTED

The following should be visible in the canvas as optional overlays:

  • Filter aberration as a heat map (default OFF)